Data-Driven Creative: The Power of Research in Client Partnerships
Katie Doyle
Marketing Tips

Markstein digs deeper to solve complex challenges for our clients. That’s why the first phase in any of our projects is gathering data and insights from market research. 

While it may seem daunting or even unnecessary to a client at first, this approach gives us a complete, accurate picture of our target audience that’s crucial for effective results.

“If you’re not reaching the person, they’re not receiving your message no matter how great it is,” says Christy Evans, executive vice president, client experience. “We’ve got to be diagnostic before we can be prescriptive.”

Markstein’s collaborative research process engages our entire team and incorporates different perspectives. It also ensures our client gets real value from our partnership.

“We don’t want to spend a client’s dollar until we fully understand what we’re trying to accomplish and how to accomplish it,” says Jennifer Quenville, executive vice president, strategy + innovation.

And our research is not a one-time occurrence. We’re constantly searching for new insights to inform strategies and campaigns.

This process often leads to discoveries clients might not have had otherwise.

“It’s important to translate the business problem our clients are focused on into a human or a consumer problem,” says Quenville. “And once we can do that, it becomes very powerful in terms of messaging and efficacy in the marketplace.”

As a team of curious thinkers, we love digging in and learning as much as possible about a particular industry or topic. We’re proud that our data-backed strategies have led to big wins for clients.

“We’re making recommendations that incorporate our creativity to bring really insightful solutions to our clients,” says Evans. 

Ready to unlock your own powerful insights from our research? Browse Markstein’s portfolio or contact us today.

Watch as Christy Evans and Jennifer Quenville discuss Markstein’s approach to market research:

Watch as Christy Evans and Jennifer Quenville discuss why market research is an important part of the process:

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